In the NEWS today


2024-04-18 15:00:00


前沿量子科技研究中心為培育優秀學生,提升研究水準,將開放申請暑期研究計畫。 歡迎符合相關資格的學生踴躍申請! 1. 申請資格:物理、光電、電機、化學、數學相關科系之大學生及碩士生 2. 研究期間:2024年7月1日至2024年8月31日。 3. 研究地點:依指導老師任職學校或研究機構為主。 4. 研究津貼:每月新臺幣2萬元整。 5. 申請期限:2024年5月12日中午12點截止。 6. 申請方式:線上申請,並依規定上傳以下文件。申請及上傳網址:ht...

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國際學者群集量子科技講座 展現台南作為科技研發重鎮的雄心

2024-04-15 09:00:00

QFort Stories

量子科技講座 14 日舉辦,國際學者、產官研專家及民眾齊聚參與   國立成功大學前沿量子科技研究中心喜迎台南 400,於 4 月 14 日世界量子日在台南美術館 2 館跨域展演廳舉辦「量子嘉年華-前沿量子科技」講座,邀請國際知名學者中研院院士、美國休士頓大學講座教授朱經武及美國麻省理工學院量子中心主任 William D. Oliver(中譯:威廉.奧利佛)教授分享「從量子科技到量子電腦」,台南市副市長葉澤山、成功大學校長沈孟儒及多位產官研學者出席與會。講座也事先開放給...

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Release of the 2023 Annual Report

2024-04-12 17:00:00

QFort Stories

We're excited to announce the release of QFort's first annual report! Serving as our debut issue, this publication provides insights into QFort's founding journey and its core mission, offering readers a glimpse into our research center and it...

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Congratulations! Prof. Tay-Rong Chang received "2023 Highly Cited Researcher"

2024-01-12 14:30:00

Honor Roll

2 NCKU scholars have been recognized as the 2023 Highly Cited Researchers, making up 12% of the recognized Taiwan scholars. Clarivate announced the 2023 list of Highly Cited Researchers. 17 Taiwan scholars were recognized, and a total of 6,849 ...

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2023-11-13 15:00:00

Research Highlights

近期,成大光電系的吳品頡副教授在瞬間高光譜影像與非厄米超穎介面系統的任意偏振態控制這兩個領域取得的長足的進展,兩項研究成果接續發表在國際頂級學術期刊Nature Communications。品頡表示,這兩個研究工作都是跨團隊的合作,由衷感謝有志同道合的朋友與夥伴的一同努力與奮鬥。   光譜影像技術的新里程碑 首個成果是與成大電機系林家祥副教授的合作研究,他們結合超穎介面與小數據機器學習理論兩個不同領域的專業知識,成功實現了一瞬間的高光譜影像。傳統的光譜資料獲取方式需要逐...

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沈孟儒校長率中心成員訪問法國格勒諾布爾-阿爾卑斯大學 聚焦量子、微電子與奈米科技領域 深化夥伴關係

2023-10-19 11:28:00


國立成功大學沈孟儒校長 10 月 16 日率團訪問法國姊妹校-格勒諾布爾-阿爾卑斯大學(Université Grenoble Alpes, 簡稱 UGA),除了拜會雙方行政主管、進行學術會議交流並舉辦量子科學領域研討會(Quantum Workshop)等主要任務,兩校並特別聚焦於量子、微電子與奈米科技領域,以深化雙邊國際合作關係,拓展國際鍊結、堅實雙方夥伴關係。   雙方對於學校國際策略發展進行簡報,研議微電子、量子科學與奈米科技等合作議題,展望未來推動學者共同研究...

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Quantum science and technology is a highly interdisciplinary field, associated with physics, nanotechnology, material science, electrical engineering, computer science, and so on. We have successfully integrated outstanding scientists and engineers from different disciplines and different countries to serve as a research hub and facilitate the development of quantum technology.

Quantum Theory

Quantum information theory is an interdisciplinary subject developed in the last century. It is not only one of the biggest driving forces behind the second quantum revolution, but also the driving force behind the pr...

Quantum Materials & Devices

Quantum materials constitute a research field characterized by high manipulation degrees of freedom and diverse physical properties. These materials leverage fundamental elements, such as spin, lattice, orbital, and c...


Quantum sensing uses quantum properties such as quantum interference, superposition, and entanglement to provide more accurate, stable, or even measurement advantages that some traditional sensing methods cannot achie...


Photon is an essential medium for next-generation quantum technology. In this topic, we aim to realize high-resolution quantum imaging and photonic information translation, which is impossible by classical optical, ba...


The semiconductor electronics industry with a complete industrial ecosystem is the most advantageous industry in Taiwan and the lifeblood of our economy. The industrial development of quantum computers also needs semi...

Quantum tic-tac-toe

Quantum tic-tac-toe is a "quantum generalization" of tic-tac-toe in which the players' moves are "superpositions" of plays in the classical game. The game was invented by Allan Goff of Novatia Labs, who describes it a...


OEM :  SEM and AFM 成功大學量子中心機台設備與費用列表 Qfort 儀器列表 代工收費費率 耗材收費 原子力顯微鏡 (AFM) 原價:NT$1200/hr 校內價:NT$450/hr  ...



Fascinating insights into the world of quantum physics