Relaxing assumptions in Device-independent quantum cryptography

Cameron Foreman 博士 - Quantinuum, United Kingdom

Relaxing assumptions in Device-independent quantum cryptography

Cameron Foreman 博士 - Quantinuum, United Kingdom

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理學教學新大樓物理系5樓 36567會議室


Quantum Information Science


Cameron Foreman 博士 -Quantinuum, United Kingdom


Relaxing assumptions in Device-independent quantum cryptography


Device-independent (DI) quantum cryptography aims to provide information-theoretic security with minimal trust in, or characterisation of, the underlying quantum devices. A major challenge in DI protocols is the requirement of various initial resources, which can be difficult to justify. For example, randomness expansion and quantum key distribution (QKD) requires the honest parties to have additional near-perfect random bits (a seed) that is independent of the protocol. In this talk, I will present a number of techniques that allow for the relaxation of this resource. I will discuss randomness extractors which allow for a shorter and/or lower quality seed and introduce our software library Cryptomite, which provides (numerically precise and) efficiently implemented extractors that are easy to use. I will then introduce a new approach to randomness extraction which is deterministic (i.e. allows eliminating the seed altogether). Finally, I will show how some of these features can be used to construct improved DI protocols and end with some open problems.