Congratulations to Director Yueh-Nan Chen who received the 2021 MOST Outstanding Research Award, in honor of his outstanding contributions in Quantum research.
2021-05-04 14:59:00
Congratulations to Director Yueh-Nan Chen who received the 2021 MOST Outstanding Research Award, in honor of his outstanding contributions in Quantum research.
2022-03-04 19:13:00
Honor Roll
Congratulations to Dr. Shin-Laing Chen who has been appointed as Assistant Professor at Dept. of Physics, NCHU ...
2021-08-19 17:32:00
Honor Roll
Congratulations! Prof. Ming-Hao Liu received “Ta-You Wu Memorial Award" in 2021
2023-03-08 13:26:00
Honor Roll
恭賀本中心陳則銘副主任榮獲111年度國科會傑出研究獎 國家科學及技術委員會公布 111 年度傑出研究獎,國立成功大學共獲得 5 席,包括台灣文學系吳玫瑛教授、土木工程學系(所)吳致平特聘教授、數學系暨應用數學所吳恭儉教...
2024-07-19 08:00:00
Honor Roll
「保羅·埃倫菲斯特量子基礎最佳論文獎」(Paul Ehrenfest Best Paper Award for Quantum Foundations,以下簡稱「埃倫菲斯特獎」)是一個由奧地利科學院通過維也納量子光學與量子資訊研究(I...