
Trending at QFort

Congratulations! Prof. Yeong-Cherng Liang received "Paul Ehrenfest Best Paper Award for Quantum Foundations"

2024-07-19 08:00:00

Honor Roll

「保羅·埃倫菲斯特量子基礎最佳論文獎」(Paul Ehrenfest Best Paper Award for Quantum Foundations,以下簡稱「埃倫菲斯特獎」)是一個由奧地利科學院通過維也納量子光學與量子資訊研究(IQOQI-Vienna)所負責管理頒發的獎項。該獎項從2015年開始每年頒發一次,獎勵獲獎前五年內在量子物理基礎所有領域...

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QFort Scholarship for Outstanding Doctoral Students

2024-06-18 08:00:00


前沿量子科技研究中心為培育優秀博士生,提升本中心學術研究水準,將開放申請博士生獎學金。 歡迎符合條件的博士生們,踴躍申請。詳細申請資料如下: 前沿量子科技研究中心培育優秀博士生獎學金辦法 申請表格 申請截止日期為:113/7/31 不收紙本資料,有意申請者,請至表單填寫申請  

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2024-05-31 13:13:00


恭喜以下名單學生錄取2024暑期研究計畫! 1. 林O毅/國立中央大學資訊工程學系 2. 殷O翔/國立成功大學物理系 3. 張O豪/國立中山大學物理系 4. 許O婷/國立中興大學物理系 5. 鄭O琪/國立成功大學能源工程國際學士學位學程 6. 蔡O霖/國立成功大學物理系 (得獎名單依姓名筆畫順序排列)  

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2024-04-18 15:00:00


前沿量子科技研究中心為培育優秀學生,提升研究水準,將開放申請暑期研究計畫。 歡迎符合相關資格的學生踴躍申請! 1. 申請資格:物理、光電、電機、化學、數學相關科系之大學生及碩士生 2. 研究期間:2024年7月1日至2024年8月31日。 3. 研究地點:依指導老師任職學校或研究機構為主。 4. 研究津貼:每月新臺幣2萬元...

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Macro Ambitions in Quantum Science: NCKU Takes Quantum Technology Lecture to Tainan 400

2024-04-15 09:00:00


The quantum technology lecture of the 14th welcomed international scholars, industry and government representatives, and academic scholars and attracted participation from t...

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Release of the 2023 Annual Report

2024-04-12 17:00:00

QFort Stories

We're excited to announce the release of QFort's first annual report! Serving as our debut issue, this publication provides insights into QFort's founding journey and its co...

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Congratulations! Prof. Tay-Rong Chang received "2023 Highly Cited Researcher"

2024-01-12 14:30:00

Honor Roll

2 NCKU scholars have been recognized as the 2023 Highly Cited Researchers, making up 12% of the recognized Taiwan scholars. Clarivate announced the 2023 list of Highly Cited ...

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2023-11-13 15:00:00

Research Highlights

近期,成大光電系的吳品頡副教授在瞬間高光譜影像與非厄米超穎介面系統的任意偏振態控制這兩個領域取得的長足的進展,兩項研究成果接續發表在國際頂級學術期刊Nature Communications。品頡表示,這兩個研究工作都是跨團隊的合作,由衷感謝有志同道合的朋友與夥伴的一同努力與奮鬥。   光譜影像技術的新里程碑 首個成果是與成大電機系林...

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沈孟儒校長率中心成員訪問法國格勒諾布爾-阿爾卑斯大學 聚焦量子、微電子與奈米科技領域 深化夥伴關係

2023-10-19 11:28:00


國立成功大學沈孟儒校長 10 月 16 日率團訪問法國姊妹校-格勒諾布爾-阿爾卑斯大學(Université Grenoble Alpes, 簡稱 UGA),除了拜會雙方行政主管、進行學術會議交流並舉辦量子科學領域研討會(Quantum Workshop)等主要任務,兩校並特別聚焦於量子、微電子與奈米科技領域,以深化雙邊國際合作關係,拓展國際鍊結、堅實...

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Winner List of QFort Scholarship for Outstanding Doctoral Students

2023-09-28 09:30:00

Honor Roll

Winner List of QFort Scholarship for Outstanding Doctoral Students:  1. Wun-Hao Kang 林臻佑博士生 2.   Wun-Hao Kang 康文豪博士生 3.    Shih-Hsuan Chen 陳世軒博士生  4.    Kai-Slang  C...

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自建量子電腦外的新選擇!成大善用 Amazon Braket 悠遊不同量子硬體架構,展開研究!

2023-08-22 08:30:00

QFort Stories

量子科技與 AI、IoT 並列成為引爆人類第四次工業革命的三大科技,未來量子科技即將改變人類生活,量子科技應用前途各國翹首盼望,先進國家莫不將它列為關鍵的國家發展策略。為了接軌國際研究水準,「成大前沿量子科技研究中心」受到國科會計畫支持,選擇使用 Amazon Web Services (AWS) 的量子雲端服務 Amazon Braket作為主要運算...

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QFort Scholarship for Outstanding Doctoral Students

2023-08-15 15:00:00


前沿量子科技研究中心為培育優秀博士生,提升本中心學術研究水準,將開放申請博士生獎學金。 歡迎符合條件的博士生們,踴躍申請。申請截止日期為:112/8/31 PS:不收紙本資料,請上傳到:

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開拓全場同相成像系統 Prof. Paul-Antoine Moreau 跨國合作研究成果登 國際期刊 PNAS

2023-04-14 11:06:00

Research Highlights

In this regard, Prof. Paul-Antoine Moreau from QFort-NCKU and his colleagues from the University of Glasgow and the Max Plank institute proposed a full-field in-phase imaging sy...

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Congratulations! Prof. Tse-Ming Chen received “NSTC Outstanding Research Award" in 2023

2023-03-08 13:26:00

Honor Roll

恭賀本中心陳則銘副主任榮獲111年度國科會傑出研究獎   國家科學及技術委員會公布 111 年度傑出研究獎,國立成功大學共獲得 5 席,包括台灣文學系吳玫瑛教授、土木工程學系(所)吳致平特聘教授、數學系暨應用數學所吳恭儉教授、藥理學科暨研究所沈孟儒特聘教授、物理學系(所)陳則銘特聘教授。   國科會傑出研究獎是為了獎勵研究成果傑...

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Congratulations! Prof. Tay-Rong Chang received "2022 Highly Cited Researcher"

2022-12-12 08:30:00

Honor Roll

國立成功大學 4 位學者入選科睿唯安(Clarivate)2022 年度《高被引學者》(Highly Cited Researchers™)名單,其中成大航空太空工程學系特聘教授陳維新蟬聯第 7 年入選,成大物理學系副教授張泰榕則是自 2019 連續 4 年入選,成大醫院副院長柯文謙研究 COVID-19 論文受關注再次入選,而成大醫學院健康照護科學研...

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2022臺日量子尖端科技研發-海外學術研討會 鏈結臺日科研交流及科普教育

2022-12-09 16:14:00

QFort Stories

駐日代表謝長廷出席2022臺日量子尖端科技研發研討會,照片左起駐日顧問鄒幼涵、NIMS理事長寶野和博、東北大學校長大野英男、駐日代表謝長廷、仙台市議會議長赤間次彥、仙台市日臺議員連盟會長西澤啓文、仙台市役所文化觀光局次長高島秀一   駐日代表處科技組與日本東北大學於11月25日共同舉辦2022臺日量子尖端科技研發-海外學術研討會(2...

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2022-11-10 09:00:00

Honor Roll

恭賀本中心張泰榕副教授榮獲111學年度李國鼎科技與人文講座之李國鼎研究獎 國立成功大學 111 學年度「李國鼎科技與人文講座」今(10)日下午在格致堂舉行頒獎典禮,由成大校長蘇慧貞及台達資深副總裁金壽豐共同表揚本屆 9 位獲獎學者。其中,睽違 4 年再度頒發的「李國鼎講座教授」由中央研究院院士陳仲瑄奪得。成大 8 位學者則分別獲頒「李國鼎榮譽學者...

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2022-11-10 08:30:00

Honor Roll

恭賀本中心楊展其副教授榮獲111學年度李國鼎科技與人文講座之李國鼎研究獎 國立成功大學 111 學年度「李國鼎科技與人文講座」今(10)日下午在格致堂舉行頒獎典禮,由成大校長蘇慧貞及台達資深副總裁金壽豐共同表揚本屆 9 位獲獎學者。其中,睽違 4 年再度頒發的「李國鼎講座教授」由中央研究院院士陳仲瑄奪得。成大 8 位學者則分別獲頒「李國鼎榮譽學者...

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2022-11-10 08:30:00

Honor Roll

恭賀本中心陳則銘副主任榮獲111學年度李國鼎科技與人文講座之李國鼎榮譽學者 國立成功大學 111 學年度「李國鼎科技與人文講座」今(10)日下午在格致堂舉行頒獎典禮,由成大校長蘇慧貞及台達資深副總裁金壽豐共同表揚本屆 9 位獲獎學者。其中,睽違 4 年再度頒發的「李國鼎講座教授」由中央研究院院士陳仲瑄奪得。成大 8 位學者則分別獲頒「李國鼎榮譽學...

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Congratulations! Prof. Kuo-Hsing Kao received “Ten Outstanding Young Person" in 2022

2022-10-18 11:36:00

Honor Roll

Congratulations! Prof. Kuo-Hsing Kao received “Ten Outstanding Young Person" in 2022

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Congratulations! Prof. Jan-Chi Yang received “Ta-You Wu Memorial Award" in 2022

2022-09-14 08:30:00

Honor Roll

Congratulations! Prof. Jan-Chi Yang received “Ta-You Wu Memorial Award" in 2022

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突破量子通訊的未來 成大陳岳男團隊研究量子操縱性之量化分類登上國際自然通訊期刊

2022-09-05 10:57:00

Research Highlights

如何在不受信任的先決條件下進行量子通訊?國立成功大學物理系特聘教授、前沿量子科技研究中心主任陳岳男統籌和古煥宇博士主導的「量子操縱性的完全分類與其量測不兼容性之關聯」(Complete classification of steerability under local filters and its relation with measurement...

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下世代超輕薄可捲曲晶片 張景皓團隊找出可撓式奈米科技關鍵

2022-07-19 11:40:00

Research Highlights

超輕薄,可捲曲,豐富應用性的晶片不再是夢想。國立成功大學物理系副教授兼成大前沿量子科技研究中心張景皓與其團隊,共同分析「石墨烯」材料,發現捲曲後有新的獨特應用功能性,為此與團隊投入研究,從無到有,建立起基礎物理(量子態)模型。研究成果於 2022 年發表於奈米科學領域之學門指標性期刊奈米視界(Nanoscale Horizons)並獲選為期刊之封面論文...

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量子記憶體高效檢測法 成大研究登國際指標期刊《PRX Quantum》

2022-05-24 08:00:00

Research Highlights

量子記憶體(Quantum memory)檢測效能重要突破!國立成功大學前沿量子科技研究中心主任陳岳男與博士後研究員古煥宇,攜手歐亞跨國團隊發展新穎的「量子網路中記憶體之效能檢測」方法,提出判定合格量子記憶體的新方向,有助臺灣掌握量子元件發展關鍵。研究成果獲國際量子領域指標期刊《PRX Quantum》青睞。   因應量子技術領域蓬勃發展,...

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The Cornerstone of a New Generation of Cutting-edge Quantum Materials: Interdisciplinary Research Achievements of Associate Professor Jan-Chi Yang of the Department of Physics, NCKU

2022-05-13 11:49:00

Research Highlights

Associate Professor Jan-Chi Yang of the Department of Physics at NCKU and Distinguished Professors Yi-Chun Chen and Tse-Ming Chen at the Center for Quantum Frontiers of Research...

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成大 90 and beyond 計畫學者路克史密斯  研究成果登國際期刊 PRL

2022-03-15 11:57:00

Research Highlights

成大新進學人傳捷報!國立成功大學「NCKU 90 and Beyond」培育計畫助理研究教授路克.史密斯(Luke Smith)2021 年 11 月甫到成大即以第一作者發表文章,內容為藉由產生自旋軌道交互作用,進而達到全電性控制近藤效應的實驗結果,結合理論加以實證,獲刊「物理評論快報」(Physical Review Letters,簡稱PRL)。 ...

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Congratulations to Dr. Shin-Laing Chen who has been appointed as Assistant Professor at Dept. of Physics, NCHU

2022-03-04 19:13:00

Honor Roll

Congratulations to Dr. Shin-Laing Chen who has been appointed as Assistant Professor at Dept. of Physics, NCHU    

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Congratulations ! Prof. Jan-Chi Yang received the "Outstanding Research Paper Award Chinese Journal of Physics" in 2021 The Physical Society of Taiwan

2022-01-13 08:30:00

Honor Roll

Congratulations to Prof. Jan-Chi Yang who received the "Outstanding Research Paper Award Chinese Journal of Physics" in 2021 The Physical Society of Taiwan

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Congratulations! Prof. Tay-Rong Chang received “Outstanding Young Physicist Award" in 2021

2022-01-13 08:10:00

Honor Roll

Congratulations to Prof.  Tay-Rong Chang who received the "Outstanding Young Physicist Award"  in 2021 The Physical Society of Taiwan  

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Congratulations! Prof. Ching-Hao Chang received “NCTS Young Theoretical Scholar Awards"

2021-12-15 08:44:00

Honor Roll

Congratulations! Prof. Ching-Hao Chang received “NCTS Young Theoretical Scholar Awards" in 2021    

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Congratulations! Prof. Tay-Rong Chang received "2021 Highly Cited Researcher"

2021-11-19 18:08:00

Honor Roll

4 NCKU scholars have been recognized as the 2021 Highly Cited Researchers, making up 25% of the recognized Taiwan scholars Clarivate announced the 2021 list of Highly Cited R...

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2021-11-10 09:48:00

Honor Roll


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Congratulations to the QFort members-Recipients of the 2021 NCKU Grand Review and Competition for PhD Student and Postdoctoral Research Fellow Research Award.

2021-10-19 08:00:00

Honor Roll

Congratulations to the following QFort members-Recipients of the 2021 NCKU Grand Review and Competition for PhD Student and Postdoctoral Research Fellow Research Award. Outst...

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【顯光人物】110年吳大猷先生紀念獎得主劉明豪──模擬真實量子傳輸實驗 探索新穎材料電子行為

2021-10-14 18:00:00

QFort Stories

懷抱著科學家與足球員雙夢想,劉明豪利用課餘時間踢球,也如願成為物理學家,鎖定介觀物理、石墨烯、量子傳輸等領域研究,為眾多實驗團隊提供量子傳輸模擬,計算出與傳輸實驗高度吻合的結果,進而準確了解實驗量測結果中的物理機制,他更創建量子傳輸虛擬實驗室,逐步完備軟硬體與專業人才,持續發掘、預測新奇有趣的量子傳輸現象。   自幼成長於高雄縣岡山鎮(現今...

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Congratulations! Prof. Ming-Hao Liu received “Ta-You Wu Memorial Award" in 2021

2021-08-19 17:32:00

Honor Roll

Congratulations! Prof. Ming-Hao Liu received “Ta-You Wu Memorial Award" in 2021  

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徵求低溫掃描顯微鏡系統 博士級/碩士級研究人員

2021-08-17 15:08:00


工作內容說明: 成功大學前沿量子科技研究中心現今正致力全方面探索量子科學的基礎研究,計畫將利用量子效應創造開發下世代的科技和應用。本中心為此啟動以低溫掃描顯微系統為核心設施的計畫,重點在低溫環境下,侷域的探測並操控各式低維量子系統,期待能整合並開發新型量子元件。為使此項核心設施能快速達成既定目標,我們正在尋找博士和碩士級科學和工程人才以...

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Quantum Technology Cloud Computing Center for AWS online application

2021-07-22 16:07:00


Amazon Braket, announced by Amazon Web Services (AWS), is one of the most popular cloud platforms in the world. It is a useful tool in working with quantum computing. To bett...

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2021-06-17 11:03:00

Research Highlights

打造下一個世代護國神山產業 全世界各國政府及企業近年對量子電腦研發展現出高度重視,截至2020年全球投入研發量子運算的金額高達219億美元,科技部於去年2020年底宣布5年將投入80億台幣,要組量子電腦科研國家隊,期盼台灣在成功的半導體產業後,能夠透過量子電腦再次讓世界感到驚艷。 而台灣成功大學在量子電腦領域已深耕十幾年,近年更匯聚該領域的...

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成大前沿量子科技研究中心 全台首創量子電腦微課程

2021-06-17 10:59:00


讓高中生提早了解未來電腦運算的嶄新邏輯 量子電腦(Quantum computer)透過使用量子邏輯進行通用計算的裝置,具有高速運算的優勢,全球高科技業者如Google、Microsoft、Intel、IBM 等都已發展出自己的量子電腦硬體與軟體,全世界各國政府及企業近年對量子電腦的研發展現出高度重視,截至2020年全球投入研發量子運算的金額高達...

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Congratulations! Prof. Yueh-Nan Chen received “MOST Outstanding Research Award" in 2021

2021-05-04 14:59:00

Honor Roll

Congratulations to Director Yueh-Nan Chen who received the 2021 MOST Outstanding Research Award, in honor of his outstanding contributions in Quantum research.   

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Enter quantum electronics via patterned strain engineering

2021-03-31 15:29:00

Research Highlights

Diamond is hard and transparent and is also a good insulator. The graphite, by contrast, is soft and dark and easy to conduct electricity. These two seemingly distant substances...

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Congratulations! Prof. Yueh-Nan Chen received “CTCI Outstanding Physics Research Award" in 2020

2021-02-01 12:33:00

Honor Roll

  Prof. Yueh-Nan Chen, for his significant contributions to the field of open quantum systems, quantum entanglement and quantum steering.  

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A Quantum Leap in Our Understanding of the Quantum World, After Half a Century

2020-08-31 15:57:00

Research Highlights

As a physical theory for predicting observations at the (subatomic) microscopic level, quantum theory is essentially impeccable. However, on the applicability of the theory at t...

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Decade-long Efforts in Epitaxial Technology Leads to New Technological Breakthrough

2020-08-24 16:25:00

QFort Stories

Associate professor Jan-Chi Yang of the Department of Physics at NCKU received the 8th Outstanding Young Scholar Award from the Foundation for the Advancement of Outstanding Sch...

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Building the Future! Prepare Young Students for the Quantum Era

2020-08-19 09:29:00


Micro-Course of Quantum Computing: Exclusive for Senior High School Students   In summer 2020, QFort took the initiative in Taiwan to provide the first micro-course of qua...

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Exploring New Materials to Realize the Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect

2020-07-27 14:26:00

Research Highlights

The transmission of current with zero resistance would reduce energy consumption and largely resolve the issue of heating in electronic devices, such as mobile phones, computers...

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Congratulations! Prof. Jan-Chi Yang received “The 18th Y. Z. Hsu Scientific Paper Award" in 2020

2020-07-20 18:12:00

Honor Roll

Congratulations to Professor Jan-Chi Yang who has been awarded the 18thY.Z. Hsu Scientific Paper Award (2020) in Nano Science and Technology.   Source : Far Eastern Y. Z. ...

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Congratulations! Prof. Yeong-Cherng Liang received “Academia Sinica Early-Career Investigator Research Achievement Award" in 2020

2020-07-09 21:19:00

Honor Roll

    Prof. Yeong-Cherng Liang, one of our member received “Academia Sinica Early-Career Investigator Research Achievement Award" in 2020.   This year, there are a total...

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Groundbreaking Research on Open Quantum System

2019-09-11 14:26:00

Research Highlights

NCKU scientists’ latest research on the detection and certification of the nonclassicality of dephasing dynamics was considered as groundbreaking and got published in Nature C...

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Developments in Light-Controllable Multi-Digit Memory Materials

2019-05-22 14:26:00

Research Highlights

A research team led by Professors Jan-Chi Yang and Yi-Chun Chen of the National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) physics department has made a significant leap in the manipulation o...

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Dialogue with the Dalai Lama on Quantum Physics: Professor Yueh-Nan Chen’s Trip to India

2018-11-15 10:31:00

QFort Stories

In early November of 2019, distinguished Professor Yueh-Nan Chen in the Department of Physics at NCKU traveled to India with renowned Taiwanese scholars, including the former pr...

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Major Breakthrough in Integrated Circuits! Researchers Develop Transistors at the 0.7nm Scale

2018-10-18 13:31:00

Research Highlights

High-performance miniaturized transistors are the core of every digital device from smartphones to biomedicine, genetic decryption, and space technology. However, silicon transi...

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With Gratitude for His Many Blessings, Associate Professor Tay-Rong Chang Turns a New Page with Hard Work and Determination

2018-06-05 11:41:00

QFort Stories

In early 2019, Tay-Rong Chang, Associate Professor in the Department of Physics at NCKU, was invited to share his research achievements in the field of topological materials at ...

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NCKU Transnational Research Team Develops First All-electric Spin Transistor

2015-02-05 11:13:00

Research Highlights

Scientists have long been puzzled by the spin-field-effect transistor (spin FET) and great efforts have been put into attempt of solving the long challenged problems. Now a Ta...

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