Congratulations to Director Yueh-Nan Chen who received the 2021 MOST Outstanding Research Award, in honor of his outstanding contributions in Quantum research.
2021-05-04 14:59:00
Congratulations to Director Yueh-Nan Chen who received the 2021 MOST Outstanding Research Award, in honor of his outstanding contributions in Quantum research.
2024-07-19 08:00:00
Honor Roll
「保羅·埃倫菲斯特量子基礎最佳論文獎」(Paul Ehrenfest Best Paper Award for Quantum Foundations,以下簡稱「埃倫菲斯特獎」)是一個由奧地利科學院通過維也納量子光學與量子資訊研究(I...
2022-10-18 11:36:00
Honor Roll
Congratulations! Prof. Kuo-Hsing Kao received “Ten Outstanding Young Person" in 2022
2022-01-13 08:10:00
Honor Roll
Congratulations to Prof. Tay-Rong Chang who received the "Outstanding Young Physicist Award" in 2021 The Physical S...
2022-12-12 08:30:00
Honor Roll
國立成功大學 4 位學者入選科睿唯安(Clarivate)2022 年度《高被引學者》(Highly Cited Researchers™)名單,其中成大航空太空工程學系特聘教授陳維新蟬聯第 7 年入選,成大物理學系副教授張泰榕則是自...