2024-09-09 17:00:00

Winner List of QFort Scholarship for Outstanding Doctoral Students

2024-09-09 17:00:00 | Share this post:

Winner List of QFort Scholarship for Outstanding Doctoral Students: 

  1. Jheng Jie Lin  林鉦傑博士生
  2. Kuo-Feng Chiu  邱國鋒博士生
  3. Kuo-En Chang  張國恩博士生
  4. Jiun-Shiuan Shiu  許濬璿博士生
  5. Po-Rong Lai  賴柏融博士生
  6. Chia-Chun Wei  魏嘉駿博士生



PS:The list of award recipients is sorted in order of the stroke count in their Chinese names.

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