2024-12-03 12:00:00

TU Wien Vice Rector Visits NCKU for Collaborative Talks

2024-12-03 12:00:00 | Share this post:

Written by NCKU Office of Internation Affairs. Image credit to NCKU News Center.

On the morning of October 30, a delegation led by Prof. Peter Ertl, Vice Rector of Technische Universität Wien (Vienna University of Technology, TU Wien) visited National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) to discuss potential partnerships across various research domains. The delegation was warmly welcomed by NCKU’s Associate Vice President for International Affairs, Prof. Sherry Shu-Jung Hu, as both institutions explored collaborative opportunities in areas such as semiconductors and quantum technology. Following their discussions, the delegation toured NCKU’s Center for Quantum Frontier Research and Technology (QFort).


Group photo of the TU Wien delegation with NCKU professors
(From left to right: Mr. Yi-Ta Chen, MOE Second Education Secretary, Ms. Rosmarie Nigg, TU Wien, Prof. Walter M. Weber, Vice Rector Prof. Peter Ertl, Prof. Sherry Shu-Jung Hu, Associate Vice President for International Affairs, Distinguished Professor Wei-Chou Hsu, Distinguished Professor Yueh-Nan Chen, Prof. Shu-Ying Wang, Director of Division of Study Abroad, and Ms. Weili Tang, ASSIM)


Prof. Hu opened the meeting by highlighting the strong commonalities between the two universities and noted that academic exchanges and joint research projects could serve as a foundation for a successful partnership. “Our universities have much in common and can explore joint projects in semiconductor research and other cutting-edge technologies that will benefit both institutions,” she stated.


Vice Rector Ertl echoed this sentiment, emphasizing that shared goals and mutual respect are essential for effective partnerships. He observed that TU Wien and NCKU share similar values and academic missions, which would foster a productive, goal-oriented collaboration.


Discussion between TU Wien and NCKU


The discussions were dynamic, covering topics such as student exchange programs and faculty collaborations. Representing NCKU were Distinguished Professor Wei-Chou Hsu, Associate Dean of the Academy of Innovative Semiconductor and Sustainable Manufacturing (ASSIM); Distinguished Professor Yueh-Nan Chen, Acting Director of QFort; and Prof. Shu-Ying Wang, Director of the Division of Study Abroad. Each provided insights into potential research synergies. After the meeting, Prof. Chen arranged two specialized presentations on recent advances in quantum research and led the TU Wien delegation on a tour of QFort’s advanced facilities, offering them an in-depth view of NCKU’s research capabilities.


Group photo in front of QFort
(From left to right: Distinguished Professor Yueh-Nan Chen, Acting Director of QFort, Vice Rector Prof. Peter Ertl, TU Wien, and Prof. Walter M. Weber,)


This meeting signifies an important step toward a strategic partnership between NCKU and TU Wien, with both universities eager to leverage their strengths in science and technology to drive meaningful innovation.


Provider: NCKU News Center



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