Tse-Ming Chen

Tse-Ming Chen

Quantum Devices, Quantum Electronics

Department of Physics, National Cheng Kung University


Tse-Ming Chen is a Director and co-founder of QFort and also serves as a Professor in Physics at National Cheng Kung University, where he joined the faculty in 2010. Tse-Ming received his BS and MS degrees from National Taiwan University in Taiwan and PhD from Cambridge University in UK, all in physics.

Tse-Ming’s research interests cover a wide range of mesoscopic physics, spintronics, quantum electronics, and quantum computing. His expertise includes design, nanofabrication, and precision low-temperature (down to 10 mK) electrical measurements of quantum devices based on such diverse materials as semiconductor, superconductor, graphene, topological materials, and complex oxides. He is recognized as a pioneer of utilizing quantum point contacts for coherent spin control, which gave rise to the world’s first all-electric spin transistor, spatial spin separation and their coherent manipulation, zigzag Wigner spin chains, etc. Tse-Ming is a receipt of MOST Outstanding Research Award (2019), MOST Ta-You Wu Memorial Award (2016), Academia Sinica Research Award for Junior Research Investigators (2016), Innovation Award for Junior Research Investigators from the Foundation for the Advancement of Outstanding Scholarship (2016), etc.