2025-03-17 17:00:00
QFort Stories
萬真彣 黃政淵 / 採訪報導 黃郁婷 / 整理報導 結論先講 量子電腦利用量子力學的原理,擁有超高運算能力,能解決用傳統電腦還解決不了的難題。不少專家預測,最快2030年,就可能迎來量子科技新世代。最近Google、微軟都發表量子晶片、中國也發表量子電腦,台灣先進的半導體技術,未來也很有機會在量子科技新時代嶄露頭角。 運算效率提升 量子電腦可以做什麼? 藥物快速研發,迅速幫疾病找到解方;天氣精準預測,預防災害;交通順暢疏運,不塞車;這...
2025-03-12 14:00:00
QFort Stories
前沿量子科技研究中心接受公視電視台<獨立特派員>節目專訪 【量子時代降臨】 首播 114/3/1 2(三)晚間10點播出: 公視主頻道 播出 獨立特派員 粉絲專頁線上同步直播 https://www.facebook.com/ptsinnews 重播頻道: 獨立特派員節目官網:https://innews.pts.org.tw/video/MjI3Nw 獨立特派員Youtube頻道:量子晶片研發突破,新科技時代倒數計時|量子時代降臨|...
2025-03-06 17:59:00
Research Highlights
想像在未來的世界裡,利用高靈敏量子感測器,即使是微小的腫瘤也無所遁形。國立成功大學前沿量子科技研究中心主任陳岳男領導的研究團隊,經過多年的努力,成功提出一套全新的理論框架,可精確描述非馬可夫開放量子系統中的特異點行為,為設計高靈敏量子感測器與推動量子科技應用,開創嶄新的可能性,成果已刊登在國際頂尖期刊「自然通訊(Nature Communications)」。Non-Markovian quantum exceptional points 成大前沿量子科技研究中心主...
2024-12-03 12:00:00
Written by NCKU Office of Internation Affairs. Image credit to NCKU News Center. On the morning of October 30, a delegation led by Prof. Peter Ertl, Vice Rector of Technische Universität Wien (Vienna University of Technology, TU Wien) visited N...
2024-09-09 17:00:00
Honor Roll
Winner List of QFort Scholarship for Outstanding Doctoral Students: Jheng Jie Lin 林鉦傑博士生 Kuo-Feng Chiu 邱國鋒博士生 Kuo-En Chang 張國恩博士生 Jiun-Shiuan Shiu 許濬璿博士生 Po-Rong Lai 賴柏融博士生 Chia-Chun Wei 魏嘉駿博士生 PS:The list of...
2024-08-27 08:00:00
Honor Roll
Congratulations! Prof. Yueh-Nan Chen received “2024 K. T. Li Honorary Scholar Award"
Quantum science and technology is a highly interdisciplinary field, associated with physics, nanotechnology, material science, electrical engineering, computer science, and so on. We have successfully integrated outstanding scientists and engineers from different disciplines and different countries to serve as a research hub and facilitate the development of quantum technology.
Quantum information theory is an interdisciplinary subject developed in the last century. It is not only one of the biggest driving forces behind the second quantum revolution, but also the driving force behind the pr...
Quantum materials constitute a research field characterized by high manipulation degrees of freedom and diverse physical properties. These materials leverage fundamental elements, such as spin, lattice, orbital, and c...
Quantum sensing uses quantum properties such as quantum interference, superposition, and entanglement to provide more accurate, stable, or even measurement advantages that some traditional sensing methods cannot achie...
Photon is an essential medium for next-generation quantum technology. In this topic, we aim to realize high-resolution quantum imaging and photonic information translation, which is impossible by classical optical, ba...
The semiconductor electronics industry with a complete industrial ecosystem is the most advantageous industry in Taiwan and the lifeblood of our economy. The industrial development of quantum computers also needs semi...
Quantum tic-tac-toe is a "quantum generalization" of tic-tac-toe in which the players' moves are "superpositions" of plays in the classical game. The game was invented by Allan Goff of Novatia Labs, who describes it a...
OEM : SEM and AFM 成功大學量子中心機台設備與費用列表 Qfort 儀器列表 代工收費費率 耗材收費 原子力顯微鏡 (AFM) 原價:NT$1200/hr 校內價:NT$450/hr ...
Fascinating insights into the world of quantum physics