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Winner List of QFort Scholarship for Outstanding Doctoral Students

2024-09-09 17:00:00

Honor Roll

Winner List of QFort Scholarship for Outstanding Doctoral Students:  Jheng Jie Lin  林鉦傑博士生 Kuo-Feng Chiu  邱國鋒博士生 Kuo-En Chang  張國恩博士生 Jiun-Shiuan Shiu  許濬璿博士生 Po-Rong Lai  賴柏融博士生 Chia-Chun Wei  魏嘉駿博士生     PS:The list of...

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Congratulations! Prof. Yueh-Nan Chen received “2024 K. T. Li Honorary Scholar Award"

2024-08-27 08:00:00

Honor Roll

Congratulations! Prof. Yueh-Nan Chen received “2024 K. T. Li Honorary Scholar Award"

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Congratulations! Prof. Yeong-Cherng Liang received "Paul Ehrenfest Best Paper Award for Quantum Foundations"

2024-07-19 08:00:00

Honor Roll

「保羅·埃倫菲斯特量子基礎最佳論文獎」(Paul Ehrenfest Best Paper Award for Quantum Foundations,以下簡稱「埃倫菲斯特獎」)是一個由奧地利科學院通過維也納量子光學與量子資訊研究(IQOQI-Vienna)所負責管理頒發的獎項。該獎項從2015年開始每年頒發一次,獎勵獲獎前五年內在量子物理基礎所有領域(理論或實驗)所發表最重要的學術著作。 該獎項旨在提高人們對量子基礎領域的認識,並希望在第一時間引起人們對該領域最新、最有趣的成果的關注。 ...

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臺南科學嘉年華在成大 邀請大小朋友一起探索科學的奧秘

2024-07-08 09:30:00


「臺南科學嘉年華」活動現場許多介紹科學的小遊戲受到小朋友的歡迎。   國立成功大學理學院科學教育中心今(6)日在成大物理館,舉辦「臺南科學嘉年華」活動,現場舉辦「科普市集」並安排「闖關活動」,成功闖 6 關可兌換液態氮果汁冰沙與偏振片科學小作品,或參與抽獎,邀請所有對科學有興趣的大小朋友,一起來參與這場大型科學嘉年華會。   成大科學教育中心舉辦「臺南科學嘉年華」活動,今年多了很多互動的遊戲。   國立成功大學理學院科學教育中心主任楊毅致詞表示,大家都希...

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QFort Scholarship for Outstanding Doctoral Students

2024-06-18 08:00:00


前沿量子科技研究中心為培育優秀博士生,提升本中心學術研究水準,將開放申請博士生獎學金。 歡迎符合條件的博士生們,踴躍申請。詳細申請資料如下: 前沿量子科技研究中心培育優秀博士生獎學金辦法 申請表格 申請截止日期為:113/7/31 不收紙本資料,有意申請者,請至表單填寫申請  

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2024-05-31 13:13:00


恭喜以下名單學生錄取2024暑期研究計畫! 1. 林O毅/國立中央大學資訊工程學系 2. 殷O翔/國立成功大學物理系 3. 張O豪/國立中山大學物理系 4. 許O婷/國立中興大學物理系 5. 鄭O琪/國立成功大學能源工程國際學士學位學程 6. 蔡O霖/國立成功大學物理系 (得獎名單依姓名筆畫順序排列)  

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Quantum science and technology is a highly interdisciplinary field, associated with physics, nanotechnology, material science, electrical engineering, computer science, and so on. We have successfully integrated outstanding scientists and engineers from different disciplines and different countries to serve as a research hub and facilitate the development of quantum technology.

Quantum Theory

Quantum information theory is an interdisciplinary subject developed in the last century. It is not only one of the biggest driving forces behind the second quantum revolution, but also the driving force behind the pr...

Quantum Materials & Devices

Quantum materials constitute a research field characterized by high manipulation degrees of freedom and diverse physical properties. These materials leverage fundamental elements, such as spin, lattice, orbital, and c...


Quantum sensing uses quantum properties such as quantum interference, superposition, and entanglement to provide more accurate, stable, or even measurement advantages that some traditional sensing methods cannot achie...


Photon is an essential medium for next-generation quantum technology. In this topic, we aim to realize high-resolution quantum imaging and photonic information translation, which is impossible by classical optical, ba...


The semiconductor electronics industry with a complete industrial ecosystem is the most advantageous industry in Taiwan and the lifeblood of our economy. The industrial development of quantum computers also needs semi...

Quantum tic-tac-toe

Quantum tic-tac-toe is a "quantum generalization" of tic-tac-toe in which the players' moves are "superpositions" of plays in the classical game. The game was invented by Allan Goff of Novatia Labs, who describes it a...


OEM :  SEM and AFM 成功大學量子中心機台設備與費用列表 Qfort 儀器列表 代工收費費率 耗材收費 原子力顯微鏡 (AFM) 原價:NT$1200/hr 校內價:NT$450/hr  ...



Fascinating insights into the world of quantum physics