Quantum Theory

Quantum information theory is an interdisciplinary subject developed in the last century. It is not only one of the biggest driving forces behind the second quantum revolution, but also the driving force behind the prototype of quantum computers. The study of quantum information theory plays an indispensable role in the development of quantum technology. We have been deeply involved in the research and development of quantum information theory for a long time, and the results are outstanding. We will further explore theoretical aspects such as quantum resources, quantum keys, quantum computers, and quantum switches in the future.


Initially, we expect to characterize classes of entangled measurements, understand and implement error correction and privacy amplification in quantum key distribution, and propose a unified quantum manipulability framework. In the mid-term, we will further derive identification methods that can provide quantum advantages in dense encoding, understand and implement random number extraction in quantum random number generation protocols, analyze the evolution of entanglement depth or other entanglement metrics in Shor's algorithm, and explore Quantum non-Markovianity and quantum advantage of quantum heat engine under the control of quantum switches.


On the basis of the above, it is expected to complete the dense coding protocol that demonstrates the quantum advantage, improve the security proof in the existing quantum key distribution or quantum random number generation protocol, complete the analysis and display of the evolution of each quantum characteristic in the quantum advantage algorithm, and representing goals such as post-quantum manipulability from causal nonseparability.

Examples of Research Directions or Outcomes

IBMQ instructional video

IBMQ instructional video Here, we provide some tutorial videos to help newcomers begin their first steps towards using a quantum computer. First, we'll teach you how to register an account on...

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Quantum vs Classical & Useful Quantum Effects

Quantum theory offers not only nonlocal correlations, but also other bizarre features that do not seem to fit well with our intuition. For instance, our everyday experience is that reading off the ...

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Device-independent Quantum Information

Nonlocal quantum correlations are not only intriguing, but also serve as an indispensable resource for device-independent (DI) quantum information processing. Within the DI paradigm,  conclusions a...

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Nonlocality and Quantum Foundations

Bell-nonlocality refers to the intriguing fact that certain correlations between spacelike-separated measurement outcomes cannot be explained by any local common cause. That this phenomenon follows...

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Examples of Research Directions or Outcomes