2023-04-14 11:06:00

開拓全場同相成像系統 Prof. Paul-Antoine Moreau 跨國合作研究成果登 國際期刊 PNAS

2023-04-14 11:06:00 | Share this post:

In this regard, Prof. Paul-Antoine Moreau from QFort-NCKU and his colleagues from the University of Glasgow and the Max Plank institute proposed a full-field in-phase imaging system.

While low-light imaging hasbecome crucial in many areas,applications are still limited to thevisible region of the spectrumwhere detector noiseperformance is favorable.We present a full-field, homodyneimaging system capable ofimaging at the single-photonlevel in the shortwave infrared,despite the camera having anoise floor≈200 times higher.This interference approach tolow-light imaging was firstsuggested by Gabor 70 y ago.Our approach requires only asingle camera frame, unlike othertemporally based interferencemethods which require temporalscanning. While extending thecapacity of holographicmicroscopes, our demonstrationwill also extend the range ofapplications of low-light imaging,benefiting biological, medical, andcovert imaging.


Journal: PNAS2023 Vol. 120 No. 10 e2216678120

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