2024-04-12 17:00:00

Release of the 2023 Annual Report

2024-04-12 17:00:00 | Share this post:

We're excited to announce the release of QFort's first annual report!

Serving as our debut issue, this publication provides insights into QFort's founding journey and its core mission, offering readers a glimpse into our research center and its talented researchers. Additionally, we share our latest research findings with the public, showcasing the fruitful outcomes of collaborative efforts.

QFort doesn't just bring together top scholars from across the nation for research; we also actively organize diverse workshops to nurture the next generation of young students.

Curious about past QFort events and how to get involved in the future? Don't miss out on the 2023 Annual Report and stay tuned to the QFort official website for the latest updates!

Link: QFort 2023 Annual Report

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