2021-11-19 18:08:00

Congratulations! Prof. Tay-Rong Chang received "2021 Highly Cited Researcher"

2021-11-19 18:08:00 | Share this post:

4 NCKU scholars have been recognized as the 2021 Highly Cited Researchers, making up 25% of the recognized Taiwan scholars

Clarivate announced the 2021 list of Highly Cited Researchers. 16 Taiwan scholars were recognized, and a total of 6,602 scholars were recognized worldwide.

The number of Highly Cited Researchers in NCKU increased from 3 last year to 4 this year. This means that this year, 25% of Highly Cited Researchers in Taiwan are from NCKU!

The 4 recognized NCKU scholars have outstanding performance. Dr. Wei-Hsin Chen, Distinguished Professor of the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, has been recognized for 6 consecutive years. Dr. Jo-Shu Chang, Chair Professor of the Department of Chemical Engineering, has been recognized for 3 consecutive years. Dr. Tay-Rong Chang, Associate Professor of the Department of Physics, has been recognized for 3 consecutive years. Dr. Wen-Chien Ko, Deputy Superintendent of NCKU Hospital, gained recognition for research on COVID-19 and entered the list for the first time this year.

Prof. Tay-Rong Chang, Associate Professor of the Department of Physics, has been recognized for 3 consecutive years





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